Week 5: 4th Down Magazine Player of the Week (Class 6A-4A) By 4thdownmagazine - September 26, 2021 0 98 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp This poll has ended (since 3 years). Marcel McDaniels, sr., RB, CD East 41.59% Kyle Williams, jr., RB, Harrisburg 26.52% Joey Menke, sr., RB/LB, Boiling Springs 11.63% Jontae Morris, sr., RB, Cedar Cliff 9.00% Roman Jensen, so., QB, Red Land 5.00% Isaac Sines, jr., QB/K, Cumberland Valley 1.83% Ethan Eisenberg, jr., QB, Big Spring 1.74% Juice Selby, sr., WR, Central Dauphin 1.65% Stone Saunders, fr., QB, Bishop McDevitt 1.04%