Week 2: 4th Down Magazine Player of the Week (Class 3A-1A) By 4thdownmagazine - September 5, 2021 0 91 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp This poll has ended (since 3 years). Alex Achenbach, so., RB, Williams Valley: 39.09% Aiden Metzger, sr., FB/LB, Boiling Springs: 37.66% Layne Yoder, so., WR, Tri-Valley: 10.46% Carter Enders, so., QB, Halifax: 6.27% Alex Erby, so., QB, Steel-High: 3.55% Marcus Quaker, so., QB, West Perry: 2.12% Kobe Moore, so., FB/LB and Mike Shartle, jr., DB, Camp Hill: 0.62% Nathan Brake, jr., RB, James Buchanan: 0.23%