4th Down Magazine Small School Player of the Week (Week 8) By 4thdownmagazine - October 17, 2021 0 93 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp This poll has ended (since 3 years). Wil Laskowski, sr., QB/DB, Upper Dauphin 38.44% Ian Goodling, so., WR, West Perry 29.98% Bryce McKee, so., RB/DB, Susquenita 11.25% Carson Lengle, fr., QB, Pine Grove 8.77% Kameron Wetzel, jr., RB, Tri-Valley 7.21% Jake Scheib, jr., FB/DL, Tri-Valley 2.44% Nolan Baumert, so., RB/DB, Line Mountain 0.97% Tyrone Moore, sr., WR/DB, Steel-High 0.93%