4th Down Magazine Mid-Penn Conference Player of the Week Sponsored by Crown Trophy of Harrisburg


It was a race between a pair of freshmen running backs.

And D’antae Sheffey crossed the line first. The State College rookie is this week’s 4th Down Magazine Player of the Week after an electric third game in which he ran for 207 yards on 17 carries and scored three times in a 45-3 drubbing of Hollidaysburg.

Sheffey beat Halifax freshman Cohen Bechtel with 2,967 votes to Bechtel’s 2,107. They were far and away the top performers this week.

Sheffey has been on a tear to start his varsity career. The 5-foot-11, 180-pound frosh has 411 yards and six TDs on 40 carries (that’s 10.3 yards per carry for you math wizards. He’s run for no less than 94 yards so far. Quite a start.

There were 5,824 votes cast this week. Carlisle senior RB Jaqueece Morell finished third with 274 votes.