Mid-Penn Conference News and Notes: Commonwealth Division


Each week during the 2021 season we’ll offer some news, notes, tidbits and opinions from each of the five divisions in the Mid-Penn Conference.

CD find its offensive groove after layoff:

Maybe I missed something, but in the two weeks Central Dauphin was idle battling COVID-19 issues the Rams found something offensively that was missing the first couple of games. That is a very good sign for this club. No signs of rust, either. For the first game in 21 days, to drop 50 on Chambersburg and roll up more than 500 yards is impressive. Max Mosey threw for 224 with a couple touchdowns, and the running game averaged 7.9 yards per carry. Perfect timing with a road trip to State College on deck this week.

Shining a spotlight on Issac Sines:

My spotlight player this week is Cumberland Valley quarterback Isaac Sines. He’s a gritty quarterback with a stronger left arm than you think, and he is very adept at making something out of nothing at times. The Eagles are a more balanced offense running Josh Oswalt’s system, but CV is playing CD East and I’m sorry to say running the ball will be a limited options proposition. The Panthers’ defense is stellar against the run. Sines has some elements as a QB that gives CV more of a fighting chance. It’s still an uphill climb for the Eagles in this matchup.

On the road again…..

The Harrisburg “Road Warriors” Cougars are back on the bus this week for the fourth time in six weeks. And these aren’t short bus trips, either. This week it’s Altoona. Harrisburg has already played games in suburban Pittsburgh, Hazleton and Governor Mifflin in 2021. They know the drill, though, by now.